Welcome to One Technologies Sdn Bhd

Enhance your business with us

One Technologies Sdn Bhd has the experience in reducing corporate spend and operational costs when it comes to network expenditure. It has a highly skilled workforce that puts the highest priority on enterprise security.

It is a security specialist that has accumulated competencies in the area of security in the Malaysia market. One Technologies Sdn Bhd is also an established partner to major IT Security vendor, ISP and corporations.
The company understands that your organisation requires practical, innovative and cost-effective IT products, solutions and services in order to achieve business goals.

One Technologies Sdn Bhd has a long successful history, bringing to market leading-edge technology and services, designed to meet the strategic goals of a wide range of businesses.

ROI Calculator
We bring predictability to our customers’ IT by removing hidden costs so they know what they’re buying and how it fits in to the overall cost effectiveness.

Just a smooth operational cost line – and no surprises.


The Security Experts
One Technologies Sdn Bhd specialises in providing businesses with high integrity computing infrastructure and services.

We keep businesses’ IT running at all time with the best solutions in the market, fitting all networks and budgets.

Latest News

  • May 15, 2010
    Launch of One Technologies Sdn Bhd's new website. The new website features friendly user interface besides faster loading pages.
  • April 30, 2010
    Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall was selected the winner in the anti-spam hardware category of the WindowsNetworking.com Readers’ Choice Awards.
  • April 14, 2010
    WatchGuard launches Quarantine Management Server.
  • March 9, 2010
    Fortinet's February Threatscape Report Shows Rise in Ransomware, Spam Nears Record Numbers.